A Foundational Component of AC-REP
The Development Council is part of the organization's core strategies, specifically providing a benefit to members and under the economic development and placemaking initiatives. Members include business, government, and non-profit professionals.
The Council informs AC-REP's programs and positions in support of our mission to create a prosperous and sustainable region to grow and thrive together. The Development Council hears project presentations at the monthly Development Council meetings, when appropriate, to take a position on behalf of AC-REP regarding planning, zoning, and requests for project support.
What We Support
In general, AC-REP supports projects that:
- Support master or comprehensive plans and sub-area plans of the municipality and county where the project is located
- Support the goal of creating more commercial development inventory and investment
- Support appropriate residential development
- Support rezones to the highest and best uses of the land when appropriate
- Assist in the creation, expansion, and retention of primary employers and jobs
- Improve the economic vitality of the county or municipality
- Promote a stable business environment
- Foster, grow, and advance targeted industry clusters; and
- Align with AC-REP's Strategic Priorities and Core Strategies
These policies serve as a guideline in developing AC-REP positions on projects that affect the community and economic development activity within the AC-REP region.
In addition, AC-REP supports private property rights, streamlining processes, restrictions on unnecessary fees, and eliminating excessive regulations.